
♥ Monday, July 28, 2008 ♥

Hello guys, i have been able to get bbt er jun's autographed ep, both gong zhu bang & zai nan shu(:

Each of the ep is at $40 because its got autograph yeah?

Track Lists
01. 冒險世界- fantasy ver.
02. 公主徹夜未眠
03. 年輕不要留白

Track Lists
01. 冒險世界-dance power ver.
02. 阿宅失眠日記
03. 逍遙遊

Remember, they are limited pieces so hurry place orders!

Also, i have managed to get the hshmm masks!
You guys can see the mask details @ http://www.startv.com.tw/event/sasa/
They come in three boxes.

The first box has the mei meis, Yatou(grape) ; Apple (apple) ; Tong tong(cranberries flavour)

The second box has the mei meis, Xiaoman(chamomile) ; Xiaoxun(lavendar) ; Daya(rose)

The third box has the meimeis, Guigui(strawberry) ; Xiaojie(cherry) ; Meimei(peach)

Please note that they only come in boxes so please tell me which box you want when you order!
Each box is going at $32. Ps: each box has one mask of each mei mei, means there are three masks!

Hurry place orders!

Keirel @ 6:49 AM 0 comments

♥ Wednesday, July 23, 2008 ♥

鬼鬼炎亚纶撕破脸 《桃花》停拍亏损200万

八大新戏《桃花爱无敌》6月底突然停拍,剧组初估损失200万元,剧组解释是主角炎亚纶、鬼鬼档期不能配合 ,延到年底,但私下却传出是因2人在片场吵架,鬼鬼向黑人诉苦,黑人还出面关切,但黑人昨表示没听过此事; 不过,男女主角关系搞砸了,此戏自然拍不下去。

炎亚纶、鬼鬼才合作过《霹雳MIT》,私交原本很好,却在拍《桃花》吵到不可开交,熟悉内情者指出,导火线 是鬼鬼传简讯给2人共同朋友,要他小心炎亚纶,对方把简讯给炎亚纶看,炎亚纶不解鬼鬼为何私下诋毁他,当面 跟鬼鬼对质,怒问:「我是哪里得罪你了?」鬼鬼当场大哭,事后还向黑人投诉。

炎亚纶所属的可米总经理王信贵昨说:「小朋友斗嘴没什么,大家传得太夸张,更不相信黑人会放话,停拍是2人 档期难乔。」鬼鬼所属的CHANNEL【V】总监Andy说:「小朋友起争执没这么严重,黑人是觉得炎亚纶 不该骂女生,无论如何男生应该让女生,据我所知鬼鬼跟炎亚纶已传简讯把话讲开,没事了。」不过,近来忙着纪 录片《态度》上映的黑人昨否认此事:「这事跟我无关!」

而曾传出「同志疑云」的炎亚纶日前又被拍到与「棒棒堂成员」呱呱现身微风广场逛街、嗑铁板烧,身边虽另有平 头男,却遮掩不住2人好交情,还频交头接耳窃窃私语,对此,王信贵昨说:「朋友去吃饭没什么。」而炎亚纶私 下抱怨:「再也没有同性友人敢跟我出去。」呱呱所属的公司表示:「他们一直是好朋友,其他的事我们不会过问 。」-


Translation: The new drama 《桃花爱无敌》 which was supposed to air in august suddenly stopped filiming at the end of june, and the cast lost alot of money. The cast explained it was because the main idols, yan ya lun and guigui could not get along. It was rumoured that it was because guigui and yan ya lun quarrelled at the filiming scene and also that guigui complained to hei ran but of course hei ren said that he heard of no matter like this. So it was rumoured that since the main idols could not get along and the drama could not continue filming.

Yan ya lun & guigui were on very good terms when they were filming PI LI MIT, but ever since 《桃花爱无敌》 started filming, the two of them always quarrelled. There was someone who reported that the person who started the entire thing was because guigui sent a text message to two people asking them to be careful of yan ya lun. These two people showed the message to yan ya lun. Yan ya lun could not understand why guigui did that and so he confronted her right that the filming scene. Guigui broke out in tears and there after, confided in hei ren.

The rest of the article is about the companies talking about the problem above. If anybody wants me to translate it, just leave a tag. Also, the last paragraph is about yan ya lun and gua gua.

Keirel @ 4:28 AM 1 comments


Yatou has uploaded new pictures! Heee(: its got loads of wangzi.
But i love the one she took with xiaoman, super pretty.

Guigui has also uploaded new pictures in her woo album!
She looks really pretty in all of the pictures! (:

(Ps: i like the one where she looks like she's sleeping!)
&yes, ya tou's updated her woo blog! You can see her blog post at www.blog.woo.com.tw/yt
Anyway, she talks about Hei Tang Qun Xia Zhuan airing on the 26th of july (YAY!)
Also, she praises wangzi's singing in her post cause they were recording the soundtrack.
& yes, ya tou's really nice. She blogged about the hei se hui mei mei's album is going to be out August the 22nd! (:

Keirel @ 2:29 AM 0 comments

♥ Monday, July 21, 2008 ♥

Do support my very own guiwang fanfiction
www.winglin.net/fanfic/shuoniaiwo Do leave comments too! Thanks.

Also, you can know more bbt updates at my friend's blog,
www.lollipop-lovess.blogspot.com HEE(:

Also, this blog has some bbt info. www.mun-lollipop.blogspot.com


Also, bbt stuffs preorders are still going on
Do hurry order before the 26th! HURRY HURRY! :D

Keirel @ 7:34 AM 0 comments

♥ Sunday, July 20, 2008 ♥

Tang guo finally blogs in woo instead of only her wretch. Yay!(:
I hope she puts her pictures in so i can save them better! Hee
You can see her post at, http://blog.woo.com.tw/blog/candy/

No one esle updated): thats it for now.

Keirel @ 2:07 AM 0 comments

♥ Friday, July 18, 2008 ♥

Thanks to some meimei's and photographers who posted the pictures in their blog post so i can save them! Can't seem to save wretch pictures. GRR.


Taken from: www.wretch.cc/blog/downtolive (the photographer)

Taken from: Miqi's wretch blog post

Also, hei ren lao da's movie is out! Its the tai du movie but i dont know why it isnt being aired like, internationally. So sad uh! ): But nevermind, will search for the movie and upload it soon!Woo irritates me at times. now i can't get into woo at all.Grr, will update about woo soon.Anyway, tudou has some problem so we all can't watch the wahsh show. So there's no point in uploading it.Will upload it when tudou's alright again.

Keirel @ 6:32 AM 0 comments

♥ Monday, July 14, 2008 ♥

Meimei has updated her woo blog again! It seems like she's really free cause she keeps updating and she also changed her blog layout. I love her new blog layout, its really nice. & she really slimmed down alot. But the others haven't changed their blog layout yet, so sad uh!
I'm waiting to see guigui's and yatou's one(: Hahaha

You can see her blog post @http://blog.woo.com.tw/blog/meimei/
She's talking about her new blog layout and the meimeis new appearance.

Also, xiaojie(guy) also updated his woo blog! http://blog.woo.com.tw/blog/xiaojay/
He talks about some dance battle i think. Do go take a look!

Keirel @ 1:02 AM 0 comments


Keirel @ 1:02 AM 0 comments

♥ Sunday, July 13, 2008 ♥
Shades, Specs & Shirt

Hello! i have once again been able to get bbt's charity shirt!

It is going at $45 because stocks are really really getting low over at taiwan, please do understand!

S: chest 49cm; length 65cm
M: chest 51cm; length 67cm
L: chest 53cm; length 70cm

Also, i have been able to get the shades that we always see wangzi zipai-ing in his wretch photos!
It is selling at $28 per shade.
All shades come with a cloth and a bag!

Also, preorders for the wangzi's specs are still going on! It is still $28 per spec.
But the xiaoyu's specs preorder will be cancelled due to very poor response! So sorry

Hurry! Do place orders now before the 26th july!

Keirel @ 6:05 AM 0 comments



台北11日讯-台湾超人气少女组合“黑涩会美眉”将面临改名命运,会变成《妞妞甜八宝》?《晚安少女》?《黑涩少女》还是 《妹力四射》?由于8位美眉是从《我爱黑涩会》的节目中脱颖而出组成“黑涩会美眉”,但因有很多遭淘汰的女 生,有很多不利新闻传出,让外界误以为美眉负面新闻多,甚至严重影响了广告代言形象;同时也因“黑涩会”与 黑社会同音,令她们的唱片无法获中国内地通过,不能发行,故衡量过后唯有改名。目前她们所属的华纳唱片在Y ahoo网站展开网路征名活动,短短几天已有百万人次点击率,大家都想为美眉改新名,而华纳准备两周后决定 8妞的新名字。

这次8妞首度出专辑,除改名外,形象都改头换面,变发后的美眉让人耳目一新。原本走邻家女孩路线的丫头变了 爆炸装,更笑其他美眉别站在她后面,否则一定给她遮掉;队长大牙剪了一个帅气小男生短发;Apple把头发 驳到近腰有如美人鱼,却遭其他美眉取笑她午夜勿乱出街,否则会吓到人。



超人气少女组合“黑涩会美眉”加盟华纳首张专辑将在8月底推出,华纳音乐为了让8个女生的新专辑展现脱胎换 骨般惊喜的感觉,正全力进行大改造。华纳音乐表示:第一步要改的就是她们的团名“黑涩会美眉”

从《我爱黑涩会》节目出道的8个女生,组成了“黑涩会美眉”深受大家的喜爱,不过节目中淘汰的其它女生,一 直以来负面消息不断,备受争议,CHANNEL [V]总监ANDY也表示:“深感困扰,也因为这些被淘汰的美眉负面消息过多,让已出道的8位“黑涩会美眉”背了 无数的黑锅,甚至严重影响广告代言形象。”除此之外”黑涩会美眉”之前一直无法在内地同步发片,也是因为名 称中的“黑涩会”导致批文审核不通过.这也是改团名势在必行的原因。因此,未来8妞妞发片将不再使用“黑涩 会美眉”的团名。



Taiwan's popular girl group, hei se hui mei mei will face a change of name, to either 《妞妞甜八宝》?《晚安少女》?《黑涩少女》还是 《妹力四射》?Because these 8 meimei's were chosen from a variety show, wo ai hei se hui, to form hei se hui mei mei. But because many meimeis had to to face elimination, and alot of rumors were being spread, this lead to many people thinking that these meimei's had alot of bad rumors and also affected advertisments that were done by the meimeis. Also, since hei se hui is the pronunciation as the black society hei se hui, it has led to the meimei's album not being approved in china, and thus not being able to be sold and the only solution was to change their name. At the moment they are on yahoo getting votes and in just a few days, and many people wanted hei se hui mei mei to change their name. Their company has decided to announce the name 2 weeks later.
This time the 8 meimeis will have their first album, change their name and and have also changed their appearances! The change will be a fresh look. At the start, ya tou was in the cute line, but has changed to a burst look, and the other meimeis were joking that if they stand behind her, they would get blocked. Group member da ya cut her hair really short to those of shuai nan, apple had her hair till her waist making her look like a mermaid. The other meimeis said that if apple goes shopping at night, she'll scare alot of people.
If anyone wants a translation for the second article, please do leave a tag. I wont be doing it now since it has the same information(:

Keirel @ 5:42 AM 0 comments

♥ Saturday, July 12, 2008 ♥
New album

I have finally been able to find out when hshmm's new album will be out!



黑澀會美眉 首張國語專輯 [同名專輯]

經歷了三張EP的磨練 黑澀會美眉即將帶著屬於自己的首張專輯
宣告黑澀會美眉 已長大 不再是吵鬧的小女孩
專輯中請來許多知名製作人幫美眉打造專屬他們的酷炫情歌 夢幻舞曲正式宣告
黑澀會美眉不會被流言打敗 會越挫越勇 站在舞台上繼續發光發熱-


Translation: Hei se hui mei mei's album will be out on August the 22nd! (:

After the training of three EP's, hei se hui mei mei will finally be bringing on their first album. They've already grown up and are no longer the noisy little girls. Since tong tong has already left hei se hui mei mei, this will be the first work of only the 8 meimeis. In the album, many people were employed to help the meimeis create a song just for them, that is their style. Hei se hui mei mei will not be defeated by the tags, they will become stronger, and continue to shine on stage.

FINALLY. Waited so long for their album to be out. It been eons since the previous one. Haha(:

Keirel @ 10:32 AM 0 comments


Since the blog for bang bang tang uploads the show, i've also decided to post up wo ai hei se hui ones.

But i'm going back abit to

20080703, 美眉泰国集乐行 上

http://www.tudou.com/player/outside/player_outside.swf?iid=19665701&default_skin=http://ui.tudou.com/bin/player2/outside/Skin_outside_5.swf&autostart=false&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.xiaoli.cc%2Fvideo%2Fdetail%2F100%2FxxI0rxp0xro (Part 1)

http://www.tudou.com/player/outside/player_outside.swf?iid=19665615&default_skin=http://ui.tudou.com/bin/player2/outside/Skin_outside_5.swf&autostart=false&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.xiaoli.cc%2Fvideo%2Fdetail%2F100%2FxxI0rxp0xro (Part 2)

http://www.tudou.com/player/outside/player_outside.swf?iid=19665624&default_skin=http://ui.tudou.com/bin/player2/outside/Skin_outside_5.swf&autostart=false&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.xiaoli.cc%2Fvideo%2Fdetail%2F100%2FxxI0rxp0xro (Part 3)

This the first part when the 4 meimei's ( Albee, yu tu, qiao ke li and yao yao) went to thailand with hei ren lao da. Yu tu's so cute, it's her first time going out of the country and she doesn't even know it was the ticket. Also, i seriously think that the ren yao pk-ing with yu tu is super pretty! I cannot believe that she was a guy from the start. Her eyes are super pretty and she looks like a mixed blood. All i can say is her eyes "会放电" Hahaha.
Albee is so cute, she really knows how to 撒娇.

20080704 美眉泰国集乐行 下

http://www.tudou.com/player/outside/player_outside.swf?iid=19771611&default_skin=http://ui.tudou.com/bin/player2/outside/Skin_outside_5.swf&autostart=false&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.xiaoli.cc%2Fvideo%2Fdetail%2F100%2FIdBkktAdpddo (Part 1)

http://www.tudou.com/player/outside/player_outside.swf?iid=19771620&default_skin=http://ui.tudou.com/bin/player2/outside/Skin_outside_5.swf&autostart=false&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.xiaoli.cc%2Fvideo%2Fdetail%2F100%2FIdBkktAdpddo (Part 2)

http://www.tudou.com/player/outside/player_outside.swf?iid=19771629&default_skin=http://ui.tudou.com/bin/player2/outside/Skin_outside_5.swf&autostart=false&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.xiaoli.cc%2Fvideo%2Fdetail%2F100%2FIdBkktAdpddo (Part 3)

This episode talks about the four of them PK-ing at the markets. Its so cute, they bargain super furiously. & the part with the snake was so funny!

20080707 夏日创意舞蹈大赛

http://www.tudou.com/player/outside/player_outside.swf?iid=19802776&default_skin=http://ui.tudou.com/bin/player2/outside/Skin_outside_5.swf&autostart=false&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.xiaoli.cc%2Fvideo%2Fdetail%2F100%2FIrB0dAzkrdB (Part 1)

http://www.tudou.com/player/outside/player_outside.swf?iid=19802785&default_skin=http://ui.tudou.com/bin/player2/outside/Skin_outside_5.swf&autostart=false&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.xiaoli.cc%2Fvideo%2Fdetail%2F100%2FIrB0dAzkrdB (Part 2)

http://www.tudou.com/player/outside/player_outside.swf?iid=19802790&default_skin=http://ui.tudou.com/bin/player2/outside/Skin_outside_5.swf&autostart=false&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.xiaoli.cc%2Fvideo%2Fdetail%2F100%2FIrB0dAzkrdB (Part 3)

I personally like tang guo's performance although it doesn't really fit the theme. But i think she's starting to get more attention already. Hahaha.

20080708 范老师来代课了

http://www.tudou.com/player/outside/player_outside.swf?iid=19850940&default_skin=http://ui.tudou.com/bin/player2/outside/Skin_outside_5.swf&autostart=false&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.xiaoli.cc%2Fvideo%2Fdetail%2F100%2Fxt0dYAsrIxdY (Part 1)

http://www.tudou.com/player/outside/player_outside.swf?iid=19850888&default_skin=http://ui.tudou.com/bin/player2/outside/Skin_outside_5.swf&autostart=false&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.xiaoli.cc%2Fvideo%2Fdetail%2F100%2Fxt0dYAsrIxdY (Part 2)

At first when i saw this title i thought it was because hei ren lao da went to thailand with the meimei's. Truth is, it was because the fans wanted to see fan fan and lao da change places and host each other's show. So this episode was just a tryout. I didn't know hei ren lao da could be so sweet. No wonder fanfan's so in love with him. Hahaha(:

20080709 唱到心坎里的情歌王子 古巨基

http://www.tudou.com/player/outside/player_outside.swf?iid=19871530&default_skin=http://ui.tudou.com/bin/player2/outside/Skin_outside_5.swf&autostart=false&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.xiaoli.cc%2Fvideo%2Fdetail%2F100%2FxkxzIAIIkptt (Part 1)

http://www.tudou.com/player/outside/player_outside.swf?iid=19871539&default_skin=http://ui.tudou.com/bin/player2/outside/Skin_outside_5.swf&autostart=false&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.xiaoli.cc%2Fvideo%2Fdetail%2F100%2FxkxzIAIIkptt (Part 2)

http://www.tudou.com/player/outside/player_outside.swf?iid=19871544&default_skin=http://ui.tudou.com/bin/player2/outside/Skin_outside_5.swf&autostart=false&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.xiaoli.cc%2Fvideo%2Fdetail%2F100%2FxkxzIAIIkptt (Part 3)

Gu ju ji is finally on the show. I think he's really good with his 假音and his vocals & he's pretty cute too. Hee:D

20080710 男同学到底在想什么PART 2

http://www.tudou.com/player/outside/player_outside.swf?iid=19904347&default_skin=http://ui.tudou.com/bin/player2/outside/Skin_outside_5.swf&autostart=false&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.xiaoli.cc%2Fvideo%2Fdetail%2F100%2FIdtIYrBBxBrz (Part 1)

http://www.tudou.com/player/outside/player_outside.swf?iid=19904354&default_skin=http://ui.tudou.com/bin/player2/outside/Skin_outside_5.swf&autostart=false&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.xiaoli.cc%2Fvideo%2Fdetail%2F100%2FIdtIYrBBxBrz (Part 2)

http://www.tudou.com/player/outside/player_outside.swf?iid=19904358&default_skin=http://ui.tudou.com/bin/player2/outside/Skin_outside_5.swf&autostart=false&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.xiaoli.cc%2Fvideo%2Fdetail%2F100%2FIdtIYrBBxBrz (Part 3)

Remember there was this dan yuan before?
Well they held it again to find out the whether yao yao and qiang qiang are the real nan hai da ren. After this episode, a new nan hai da ren appeared, and you guys will never be able to guess who it is. Hahah.

20080711 亚洲舞王 罗志祥

http://www.tudou.com/player/outside/player_outside.swf?iid=19946611&default_skin=http://ui.tudou.com/bin/player2/outside/Skin_outside_5.swf&autostart=false&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.xiaoli.cc%2Fvideo%2Fdetail%2F100%2FIIokAI0csdYz (Part 1)

http://www.tudou.com/player/outside/player_outside.swf?iid=19946620&default_skin=http://ui.tudou.com/bin/player2/outside/Skin_outside_5.swf&autostart=false&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.xiaoli.cc%2Fvideo%2Fdetail%2F100%2FIIokAI0csdYz (Part2)

http://www.tudou.com/player/outside/player_outside.swf?iid=19946628&default_skin=http://ui.tudou.com/bin/player2/outside/Skin_outside_5.swf&autostart=false&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.xiaoli.cc%2Fvideo%2Fdetail%2F100%2FIIokAI0csdYz (Part3)

Well, luo zhi xiang is back on the show to promote his new album, can ku wu tai.
And the mei mei's had a competition. I think tang guo and wen zi are really super good. & qiangqiang can really not care about her looks. Hahaha.

Finally done to the most recent one i can find(:

Keirel @ 8:09 AM 0 comments

♥ Friday, July 11, 2008 ♥

Xiaojie ( the girl) has updated her woo blog again. See what i mean, they seem so free but they just cant go on the wo ai hei se hui programme. This sucks.
Its so funny when they are on wahsh.
Anyway, i finally found out what is LPG. Thanks to xiaojie! Hahaha(: Seems like all of them went for it. However, i cant get into the website link she posted. If anyone can get in, please do leave a tag to tell me! Thanks so much! :D
But she's posted up the telephone number and address, but it's all in taiwan! GRR.
You can see xiaojie's post at http://blog.woo.com.tw/blog/s220477/
I have also posted up the pictures in her blog post
Maodi has also updated his woo blog. Its about the er jun stuffs
You can see his blog post @ http://blog.woo.com.tw/blog/fur/

Keirel @ 8:28 PM 0 comments


Xiaoxun has updated her woo blog again. She's talking about the LPG slimming thing that guigui also blogged about. Is it really that good? If it is, then i wanna try it too. >< http://blog.woo.com.tw/blog/sf

Also, yatou has also uploaded new photos into her woo album. It took me quite a long time to upload them into blogger. Heh(: But I still did.

I think ya tou's so pretty in the pictures, i love her eyes. They're so round.
And aoquan looks hot in the photos, ahaha(:
I know ya gao and mao di have uploaded many photos recently but since they love to put it into many albums, i am still in the midst of saving them. So do wait paitiently!
So sorry.
Anyway, hu ya has also updated his woo blog. Its about the upcoming summer break and he wants to learn new genres of dances he's never learnt before. Can't wait to see his improvent! :D
You can see his blog @ http://blog.woo.com.tw/blog/tiger/
Also, ya gao has also updated his woo blog. I think its talking about luo zhi xiang cause he recently went on to the show(:
You can see his post @ http://blog.woo.com.tw/blog/te/
Also, the specs preorder are still on. Hurry order yours today!
However the bbt charity shirt preorder has to be closed due to not enough stocks):

Keirel @ 3:58 AM 0 comments


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