
♥ Monday, June 30, 2008 ♥

Ya tou has updated her woo blog again. You can see it at http://blog.woo.com.tw/blog/yt/
She finally talks about her injury from the photos that she uploaded earlier.
It's because of filming and she has to fight here and there and her hand got stabbed and it was quite a deep cut so i think the cut bleed when she was sleeping. How scary. Hope ya tou's wound heals earlier(:


Keirel @ 3:51 AM 0 comments


棒棒堂 向偶像包袱说不

敖犬、小杰、王子、小煜、威廉和阿纬,这6位由选秀节目中脱颖而出后的大男孩,组成了棒棒堂,又主持又演戏 又唱歌,在短短一年内成了台湾当红的偶像团体。取名棒棒堂,主要还是取意自节目的概念主题,有一棒接一棒之 感——事实上,第二代棒棒堂男孩目前也已在台湾诞生了。

棒棒堂未曾到过大马宣传,也许一般大马读者会对他们比较陌生。南洋《eDay》日前应星空传媒之邀前往新加 坡,不但在签唱会上亲身,哦不,是亲耳,在现场1千200名粉丝高贝分尖叫声中,验正了棒棒堂“火红”的程 度,也在马泰新媒体联访时段中,感受棒棒堂红而不骄的谦和态度。

是新加坡这天阳光充沛的好天气,还是棒棒堂六子就是永远这般朝气勃勃,到新加坡出席星空传媒年度大会及为C hannel[V]《模范棒棒堂》宣传的他们,在联访时段上显得精神奕奕。其中王子还说:“我是睡到自然醒呢!不,是我还是被 阳光叫醒的!”

首次合体到新加坡来的棒棒堂,虽然也没多机会到处跑,但显然的对这一次的新加坡之行留下不错的印象,其中小 杰就说:“我们到海外宣传比在台湾工作轻松,因为坐车时有点空档,有机会看看这里的景色,不像在台湾工作排 得满满。”

虽然已是当红的偶像团体,但棒棒堂自诩自己还是新人,不习惯高高在上。“我们不要背负偶像的包袱,只想当个 快乐的男生团体!”团长敖犬就说:“我们都是平常人,只是没想到可以获得那么多人的支持。”


棒棒堂出道以来,难免会被媒体拿来与飞轮海、F4等作比较,问及他们跟其他男生团体有什么不同时,阿纬就说 :“我们都是从节目出身,不断从学习中累积经验,而我们跟别的男生团体不一样的是亲和力。我们都不当自己当 艺人,努力做好我们的工作。我们也和一般大学生一样,所以跟歌迷没有距离感。”

在旁的《模范棒棒堂》总监张世明补充,表示棒棒堂的不同在于“什么都要会”,其他的男生团体可能都是帅哥, 或注重包装,但上台跳舞就不行了。“棒棒堂很真诚,他们在电视上和私底下都是一样的。棒棒堂靠得的努力,什 么都要勇往直前的尝试。”

棒棒堂六子中,除了王子仍是高中生外,其余已是大学生,都是正规教育体制下的学子。一边忙着演艺工作,一边 则在上课,学习戏剧、肢体、舞蹈等。一些团员在大学甚至是修着与表演有关的学分。“我们都会以学业为主。” 如阿纬所说,他们基本上都是很爱读书的小孩,所以对自己的选择不会后悔,威廉更杀出一句:“活到老学到老! ”贯彻棒棒堂“哪里怕!”的精神勇往直前。 -



Aoquan, xiaojie, wangzi, xiaoyu, weilian and ahwei were chosen out from a tv programme in taiwan and formed a group, lollipop bang bang tang. They host shows, act, sing and in a just a year has risen to taiwan's most popular boyband. Their name, lollipop bang bang tang came from the programme they were involved in and er jun has already been chosen.

As bang bang tang has not come to malaysia yet, some malaysians may not be familar with them. eDAY was invited to the autograph session in singapore, saw and heard the some 1200 fans screams. They also felt lollipop's humble attitude although they were so popular.

Singapore's weather is very sunny, lollipop came here to promote channel [v] and during the interview they were very energetic. One of the members, wangzi said, " The sun woke me up!

Although it's lollipop's first time to singapore and that they cannot go to many places, but they have a very good impression of singapore. Xiaojie said " Our job is always more relaxed when we go overseas. In singapore, we can still enjoy the view during our car rides. In taiwan, our events are always very packed."

Although they are a popular boyband, lollipop admits that they are still newbies. " We dont want to take on the burden of being an idol, we only want to be a happy boyband!" The leader, aoquan said "we are normal people, only that we didn't think we'll get so many people's support."

Lollipop's debut has made it inevitable for people to compare them to farenheit, F4, and when asked what's so different from them and different boybands, ahwei said " We were chosen from a tv programme, we learn and gather experience. We dont see ourselves as people in the media industry, we work hard to do our job to the very best. We are same as normal students, so we dont feel any distance from our fans."

Channel [V]'s manager, Andy ge said that lollipop is different because they must know everything. The other boybands may be Handsome people, or pay attention to packaging but when they go on stage to perform, they can't do anything. Lollipop is very sincere, whether or not on tv or in real life, they are the same. Lollipop depends on hard work , and must go forward and learn everything.

The six members, except for wangzi in high school, the rest are in universities. They work, have to study hard, learn new things. " We will put our studies first." As ahwei said " we love studying , so we will not regret their decision." Also, weilian interuppted and said " Never stop learning" "We must continue lollipop's Na li pa's spirit!"

Keirel @ 3:06 AM 0 comments

♥ Sunday, June 29, 2008 ♥

Ya tou (丫頭) has uploaded new pictures in her woo album again
The first picture , ya tou (丫頭) looks really cute and really weird with the tissue in her nose.
The last one, ya tou (丫頭) put the caption saying that she woke up and her hand was bleeding.
It looks pretty serious in any case.

Keirel @ 2:14 AM 0 comments

♥ Saturday, June 28, 2008 ♥
Shirt worn by Bang bang tang (棒棒堂)

Hello(: I have been able to get another shirt that i've seen lollipop (棒棒堂) and mo fan bang bang tang di di (模范棒棒堂) wearing, and the shirt's been seen for quite a few times, so i have decided to bring in the shirt as well(:

This is the picture that shows them wearing the tee(:
The shirt is at $40.
For this tee, payment must be made before order will be made.
This tee is available in the colour shown in the picture and in white with red words.
S: chest 87cm, length 60cm
M: chest 98cm, length 71cm
L: chest 102cm, length 73cm
XL: chest 106cm, length 74cm
Do add me in msn or mail me for more enquiries!(:
PS: hurry! order before 5th july as that is the deadline!

Keirel @ 9:41 PM 0 comments

Shirt worn by Bang bang tang (棒棒堂)

Hi(: I have been able to find a shirt that i've seen lollipop (棒棒堂), hei se hui mei mei (黑涩会美眉) and mo fan bang bang tang di di (模范棒棒堂) wearing, and the shirt's rather cute, so i have decided to bring in the shirt.

The shirt is $40
A deposit of $20 is needed before order can be made.
For measurements and sizes, add me in msn or email me for it(:
If you want pictures of seeing bbt wear it, do mail me or msn me.
Hurry before they go out of stock!

Keirel @ 11:34 AM 0 comments


Ya tou (丫頭) recently just updated her woo blog, http://blog.woo.com.tw/blog/yt/, do go visit and read her new post(:
Also, she's uploaded new photos in her woo album.

I think Ya tou (丫頭)looks really nice with curled hair but when she ties it up its looks weird. But when she lets it down, it's really nice(:

Meimei has also updated her woo blog, see her post at http://blog.woo.com.tw/blog/meimei/

Wei lian (威廉) has also updated his woo blog, his post is at http://blog.woo.com.tw/blog/william/, so you guys can go see it too.

Xiao Jie (小杰) has uploaded photos in his woo album, and i think some of them are taken in singapore

I know aoquan (敖犬) has updated his wretch blog, www.wretch.cc/blog/bboy1030, go see his post, although it's quite short.
Also, he's uploaded photos but i will upload them tomorrow or when i'm free.


Keirel @ 9:45 AM 0 comments


Wo ai hei se hui (我爱黑涩会), and the hei se hui mei mei (黑涩会美眉) have been out for quite some time and since lollipop bang bang tang (棒棒堂) has a blog which has updates about them which you guys can visit at, www.prince-lollipop.blogspot.com.
I've gotten this idea from the girl of that blog to set up a blog for updates on wo ai hei se hui mei mei's (我爱黑涩会), hei se hui mei mei's (黑涩会美眉) and bang bang tang (棒棒堂).
In addition, i will be taking orders if i am able to find shirts or stuffs that bang bang tang (棒棒堂) or any any idols have worn.

My favorites are wangzi, xiaojie, maodi, hu ya, guigui, ya tou, tang guo, hong shi, albee and mi qi(:

Keirel @ 5:24 AM 0 comments


♥ ME ♥



June 2008
July 2008
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Updates for 棒棒堂



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